10 min Yoga for Energy

10 min Yoga for Energy

Need a pick-me-up?

Ever felt like you’re running on empty,
but the day’s demands keep piling up?

But what if I told you that you could recharge & boost your energy in just 10 minutes?

You have to try this full body 10 min practice –
your shortcut to revitalization through the power and beauty of yoga.

Sometimes, we have to expend energy to feel more energized.
This line of thinking seems counterintuitive however, it’s physics.
Things in motion stay in motion.
So get up and get moving to get your momentum started!

This dynamic yoga flow will awaken your body and invigorate your spirit.

In just 10 minutes, you’ll feel the transformative power of yoga as you move through energizing poses, allowing tension to release especially is you struggle with stiffness.

Quick yet effective, this Yoga for Energy practice not only wakes up your muscles but also clears your mind, setting a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Ready to power up?
Let’s go!


🌟 Good for Experienced Levels
✨ Inversion Free

See you on the mat 💖

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: 5 Minute Sitting Stretch

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

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5 Minute Sitting Stretch

5 Minute Sitting Stretch

Chair Yoga for Back Pain Relief

Ever felt that stubborn ache in your lower back,
especially after long hours at your desk or during your commute?

What if you could ease that back pain in your chair, no matter the time of day?

I got you!
This 5 Minute Sitting Stretch is IT!

These easy chair stretches target those trouble spots,
offering immediate relief while improving flexibility and mobility.
These are stretches I do for myself on a regular basis.

Whether it’s your morning routine or a quick break in the middle of a hectic day,
this 5-minute yoga practice is your ticket to a happier, healthier back.

Say bye-bye to stiffness and hello to a refreshed sense of ease.

Enjoy this gentle yoga practice and reclaim your comfort and vitality,
one seated stretch at a time.


🌟 Good for All Levels. (Beginners Welcome!)
✨ Inversion Free

See you on the mat (or chair) 💖

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: 10 min Active Yoga Flow

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

Tap Here to Learn More

10 min Active Yoga Flow

10 min Active Yoga Flow

Full Body Practice With a Touch of Strength

Feeling Sluggish?
And need just a bit more energy than you have right now?

Welcome to this refreshing 10-minute active yoga flow!

Picture this:
It’s a day that’s been dragging on,
and you’re craving a gentle recharge to power through.

That’s where this full body practice with a touch of strength comes in.
In this class, we’ll dive right into a sequence designed to awaken both body and mind – just enough.

With a blend of soothing twists and core-strengthening exercises, you’ll feel the tension melt away as your blood starts pumping just enough for your energy levels to lift.

‘Active’ doesn’t always mean sweaty – it simply means engaging in gentle movement to refresh your energy levels.

So, whether you’re in need of a midday boost or simply craving some clarity and focus, join me on the mat for this invigorating 10-minute practice.

Let’s flow, breathe, and refresh that vibrant energy within you.


🌟 Good for Experienced Levels
✨ Inversion Free

See you on the mat 💖

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: 10 min Morning Wake Up Yoga Flow

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

Tap Here to Learn More

Testing Your Boundaries 65 min Inversion Free Vinyasa Flow

Testing Your Boundaries 65 min Inversion Free Vinyasa Flow

Testing Your Boundaries tests your balance, strength, flexibility, AND your mind body connection. This vinyasa flow is for ANYONE looking to test their boundaries even if you’re NOT Inversion Free.

🎶👉 Spotify playlist: https://bit.ly/Spotify_TestingYourBoundaries

This explores playing between easy & hard and finding your greatest length before snapping. Notice what your mind thinks compared to what your body can do. The saying “Mind Over Matter” applies here. Do your best not to push beyond what you can handle, instead, bring yourself right up to it and take notice of what comes up emotionally and mentally.

Come back to this practice often to see how your boundaries change over time.

Good for experienced and seasoned practitioners or Newbies who love a challenge.

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼