Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

It’s mostly about yoga but will include ideas about life on and off the mat.

It’s answering questions that I’ve been asked.

It’s information on yoga poses and breathing techniques.

It’s a collection of experiences, knowledge, and opinions.

Some of it will be silly, some serious, some thought provoking.

Sometimes you just have to write it out. Hope you enjoy and join in on the conversation!

Namaste my friends.

15-Min Strong Power Flow

15-Min Strong Power Flow

Feeling wobbly? Boost balance and build strength with this 15-min Power Yoga flow! Energize your core and legs in one dynamic practice!

Energizing Full Body Yoga Flow

Energizing Full Body Yoga Flow

Feeling sluggish? In this Energizing Full Body Yoga Flow, we’ll power up with fun vinyasa sequences, balance poses, & stretches to boost energy & sharpen focus.

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