Deeper Hip Opening Practice

Deeper Hip Opening Practice

Are your hips stubbornly tight?

And you’re ready for some deeper stretches?

So your hips can feel unrestricted & open?

Explore poses to enhance flexibility & leave your hips joyfully relaxed.
Say goodbye to stiffness & hello to relaxation as you’re guided through this flow.

We’ll take our time in each pose, so you can really feel what’s happening and explore the depth of your hips.

We’ll try out different variations of poses to help wake up different parts of your hip muscles.
We’ll also skip the regular pigeon pose and instead, try some creative poses that keep things interesting.

The focus is on flexibility of the muscles of the hip joint including the hip flexors, inner thighs, glutes, and hamstrings.

After this hip-opening adventure, you’ll leave with
hips that feel light, relaxed, and ready to take on the world!


???? Good for Experienced Levels.
???? Props are helpful but optional.

See you on the mat ????

Side Note:

Practicing in my garden opens us up to nature at it’s finest. Including birds, monkeys, my neighbors doing their thing, flies saying hello and of course, Dogs Barking.

I’ve done my best to clean up the sound so it’s not too distracting without taking out the birds. You’ll get a glimpse into what it sounds like to live in Southern Sri Lanka. ????


Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Got more time? Try this next: Strong and Healthy Hips

Inversion Free Friends!!
I’ve created the Head Over Heart Yoga FB group providing you with valuable trainings on the exact steps on how to transform to be confidently Inversion Free.  See you there!

Tap Here to Access the Group

10 min Stretches – Backbends and Hips

10 min Stretches – Backbends and Hips

Want to energize your body and enhance flexibility without ever leaving the mat?

Because you feel like you’re constantly on the go, short on time, & in need of a refreshing break??

And the thought of constantly changing positions from up to down is exhausting?

You’ve found the right class! ????

This 10-minute yoga practice, targets the hips and back, with a beautiful peak pose!
It’ll keep you grounded so you don’t feel so frantic and will gently boost your energy without overwhelming you.

As you flow through the carefully crafted poses, you’ll feel the tension melt away with each breath, allowing the body to open up and release excess energy, leaving you feeling completely refreshed and renewed.


???? No Props Needed
???? All levels welcome
???? Naturally Inversion-Free

See you on the mat ????

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Got more time? Try this next: Relieve Your Achy Back Pain

Inversion Free Friends!!
I’ve created the Head Over Heart Yoga FB group providing you with valuable trainings on the exact steps on how to transform to be confidently Inversion Free.  See you there!

Tap Here to Access the Group

Vinyasa Flow for Strong and Healthy Hips

Vinyasa Flow for Strong and Healthy Hips

Want the key to movement longevity?

And better balance,

AND less hip pain?

The answer = Strong and Healthy Hips!!

???? Did you know that hip pain is often caused by weakness in the muscles?

There’s a misconception that stretching alone will alleviate discomfort,
it’s crucial to build strength in the hip muscles to prevent further pain and promote long-term relief.

This invigorating vinyasa flow will target the exact muscles in the hips & legs responsible for stability and strength,
promoting better balance,
longevity in ease of walking,
and preventing injuries.

Roll out your mat,
Grab blocks if you need to protect your wrists,
And let’s get those hips strong and healthy so you can keep moving on AND off your mat. ????????


???? Blocks are helpful
???? All levels welcome
???? Wrist Friendly
???? Inversion-Free Options.

See you on the mat ????

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Got more time? Try this next: No Standing Yoga Flow to Open the Hips

Inversion Free Friends!!
I’ve created the Head Over Heart Yoga FB group providing you with valuable trainings on the exact steps on how to transform to be confidently Inversion Free.  See you there!

Tap Here to Access the Group

No Standing Yoga Flow to Open the Hips

No Standing Yoga Flow to Open the Hips

Tired of tight hips & sciatica pain?

Want a quick way to soothe it?

Without tricky balances?

When we take time, even if it’s a few minutes, to stretch the hips,
moving through daily life becomes that much easier.
Easier to stand up & sit down,
Easier to walk around,
Easier to get up & go…

When we open the hips, we gift ourselves the freedom to move with
less pain shooting down the leg…
and this relaxing practice is designed to restore balance and flexibility without standing up.

Give your hips some love & attention while enjoying the time for your self-care.

And best of all, you can enjoy all the benefits without having to stand up, as this flow is all down on the floor.


???? No props needed.
???? All levels welcome
???? Naturally Inversion Free

See you on the mat ????

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Got more time? Try this next: No Standing Stretches for the Spine

Inversion Free Friends!!
I’ve created the Head Over Heart Yoga FB group providing you with valuable trainings on the exact steps on how to transform to be confidently Inversion Free.  See you there!

Tap Here to Access the Group

20 min Lower Body Stretch for Flexibility

Tight hips and hamstrings will LOVE this 20 min practice.  Flexibility in the hips, hamstrings, quads and the lower body in general is super important to feel good in your body.  

20 min a day keep the tightness away! ????

Stretch in the morning, lunch time, evening or anytime in-between.  

Good for post-run stretch, 

Great for cooling yourself down & de-stressing,

Excellent if you’ve been sitting all day.

No props needed UNLESS you want ‘em or need ‘em.  If you have tight hips and legs, then I recommend using Blocks or like items.  

Enjoy! Be well.

Remember to breathe.

????????Namaste my friends????????