Loosen and Soothe Achy Joints

Loosen and Soothe Achy Joints

Creaky joints?

Want to move without the soundtrack?

Because your body shouldn’t narrate every step.
And you’re tired of feeling like a rusty bicycle.
But WD-40 isn’t the answer you’re looking for.

Imagine gliding through your day with smooth, quiet ease. 

In just 25 minutes, this gentle yoga class can help oil those creaky hinges naturally. 

Mobility and flexibility are the focus, targeting those noisy spots to help your joints feel as smooth as a well-tuned bike.

This isn’t about contorting into pretzel shapes.  🥨

It’s about mindful movement designed to reduce those pops and creaks. 

If you’ve done yoga before, you’ll find this class comfortably familiar yet refreshingly focused on joint health.

Ready to trade in that rusty bike feeling for a smoother ride? 

Join me for 25 minutes that could change the way you move through your day.

Key Benefits:
🔑 Improved joint mobility
🔑 Reduced joint pain and stiffness
🔑 Enhanced overall flexibility
🔑 Better posture and body awareness

This class is ideal for anyone looking to:
✅ Ease joint discomfort
✅ Increase range of motion
✅ Enhance daily movement patterns
✅ Reduce stiffness

Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful practice we call yoga with me. 

Happy yoga-ing!




🌟 Good for Experienced Levels
Also good for those experiencing menopausal nonsense. (IKYK)

Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: Mobility Flow to Work Out Stiffness

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

Tap Here to Learn More

Working Out Anger, Irritation, & Frustration

Working Out Anger, Irritation, & Frustration

Ready to slap someone silly?

Because you just. can’t. even. right now…

Everyone & everything is getting under your skin, but deep down, 
you know violence isn’t the answer.
We all have those days – hormones or not – where anger takes over. 🌋

Although yoga won’t solve ALL your problems…
It can help flush out heated emotions 🔥
And cultivate more compassion

By moving!

Here’s the (not so woo-woo) explanation:

Our emotional energy can be shifted by using our bodies to expend that heated, angry, irritated energy.

Simple, right? 💁‍♀️  

Remember that feeling of wanting to slap someone silly?  
This is the EXACT energy I’m talking about…the anger builds up and our bodies want to express that with a slap-fest.  

Of course, there’s a better way to express anger…
and one way is doing a vinyasa class that forces you to:

Challenge your balance 🤸‍♀️
Physically heat you up 🔥
Refocus your thoughts on what you CAN control
Encourage lots of exhaling 😮‍💨

In this practice, there’s a lot of heart opening which helps get rid of some of the irritation that opens us up for more compassion.

Remember; it’s okay that you get irritated and frustrated and angry in life. 
It’s also okay to surrender to that and allow it to flow through you so that you can make space for new energy. 

And that’s what we’re trying to do in this vinyasa yoga flow.

Ready to transform that slap-happy energy into zen? 

Join me on the mat! 💖

P.S. I do this without going upside down – but you do you! 

Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful practice we call yoga with me. 

Happy yoga-ing!




🌟 Good for Experienced Levels

Enjoy! Be well. Remember to breathe. 🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: 20 Min Full Body Wrist Friendly Yoga For Calmness & Stability

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

Tap Here to Learn More

Yoga to Release Stiffness

Yoga to Release Stiffness

Because you’re feeling overwhelmed?

Want to turn your creaky joints into a well-oiled machine?

Because the symphony of snaps, crackles, and pops when you move is getting old?

That’s why I created Yoga to Release Stiffness.

I was tired of sounding like a bowl of Rice Krispies every time I moved…
because sitting too long causes a traffic jam in the joints.

To release all that stiffness, we’ll use repetition to create more mobility and flexibility in the body so you can kiss those crackles goodbye.

We #BendSoYouDontBreak.

Repetition is a game-changer when it comes to improving mobility.

Here’s why:

✨It gradually warms up your joints and muscles,
✨It helps you notice subtle changes,
✨It helps coordinate your breath more seamlessly,
✨And it deepens your movements.

By focusing on the transformative power of repetition,
you’ll uncover the hidden potential in familiar poses and sequences.

The more you know…🌠 (cue the NBC PSA commercial)

Remember, every time you come back to this video, you’ll uncover new nuances in your practice.

Keep moving, keep breathing, and keep discovering.

See you on the mat 💖

Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful practice we call yoga with me. 

Happy yoga-ing!




🌟 Good for Experienced Levels

Enjoy! Be well. Remember to breathe. 🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: Mobility Flow to Work Out Stiffness

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

Tap Here to Learn More

30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga Flow Full Body Practice

30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga Flow Full Body Practice

Rough day?

Looking to find your inner calm with your yoga practice?

Because you are SO ready for serenity?

Dive into this rejuvenating 30-minute Vinyasa Yoga Flow, where mindfulness is prioritized.

This practice emphasizes taking time to transition between poses,
allowing you to maintain a sense of calmness throughout.
Poses are held a bit longer to enable you to breathe deeply and truly relish in the offerings of each posture.

While there’s a sprinkling of strength work, the focus remains on fostering balance and flexibility.

You’ll feel grounded and centered as you flow through this full-body practice.
The coordination of breath and movement will leave you with a profound sense of zen and tranquility, nurturing your whole self.

This flow is suitable for experienced levels.
Minimal cues are provided, allowing you to connect more deeply with your inner self and the practice.


🌟 Good for Experienced Levels.
🧱 Blocks are helpful but optional.
🪷 Inversion Free Opt

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: Vinyasa Flow Standing Sequence

Inversion Free Friends!!
I’ve created the Head Over Heart Yoga FB group providing you with valuable trainings on the exact steps on how to transform to be confidently Inversion Free.  See you there!

Tap Here to Access the Group

Finding Balance – 35 min Vinyasa Yoga

Finding Balance – 35 min Vinyasa Yoga

Inversion Free Options

Feeling out of balance?
No fear! Vinyasa Yoga is here to help you find balance. 😆
We’ll not only work on balance poses but balance in the breath
and balance within opposing energies—a little yin/yang action.

✨ All levels welcome.
I’ll be doing this inversion free but you do you.
✨ Grab props for an inversion free practice: blocks, bolster, pillows, blankets, etc.

There will be the obvious balance poses like tree pose, warrior 3, and half moon balance. But there will also be evenly timed inhales and exhales AND opportunities to experience opposing energy like being grounded in the lower body but light and lifted in the upper body.
Balance will also creep in while we make sure the right side and the left side get equal love.

  Enjoy! Be well. 
  Remember to breathe. 
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Want more yoga time? Try this next: Another Balance Flow