20 Min Full Body Wrist Friendly Yoga For Calmness & Stability

20 Min Full Body Wrist Friendly Yoga For Calmness & Stability

And looking for a calming flow?

Because de-stressing is on the top of your list?

Or maybe you just need a little ‘you’ time to cool your jets…

This week’s class is a 20 Min Full Body Wrist Friendly Yoga For Calmness & Stability.

It offers the perfect blend of stretching, strengthening, and balancing, all without any wrist strain; PLUS – it happens to be Inversion Free.

And – AND – it’s ideal for managing the crazy flux of symptoms during Perimenopause & Menopause. 

Talk about a one-stop shop! 😆

In this moderately paced vinyasa flow, you’ll enjoy:

💎 Stretching for flexibility
💎 Strengthening for a toned body
💎 Balancing for stability
💎 Alignment for overall wellness

This yoga routine helps with:

💎 Focus and Concentration
💎 Calmness and Clarity
💎 Grounding and Stability

Whether you’re dealing with everyday stress or specific menopause symptoms, this full-body flow promotes mental clarity, tranquility, and a profound sense of balance. 

Ideal for experienced practitioners looking for a wrist-friendly, effective workout.

One more thing:

If you’ve noticed, the location in this week’s video is WAY different than the tropical backgrounds I usually film in.  

This past winter, I was in New Jersey spending time with family but didn’t want to stop producing videos…

The space I could find in a pinch was in the basement.  

The lighting isn’t ideal; but you can see me clearly.
The walls aren’t beautiful; but you can find beauty in the flow.

I did what I could with what I had.  

A space,
my mat,
my blocks,
and my socks. (It was cold, ya’ll!) 

And honestly, that’s all we really need to have a fulfilling yoga practice.  💜

Enjoy the flow despite the not-so-beautifully designed background.  

Try to focus on you and your breath as we move through this wonderfully calming flow that helps create a sense of stability and oneness with yourself.  

Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful practice we call yoga with me. 

Happy yoga-ing!




🌟 Good for Experienced Levels
🧱 Blocks are helpful but optional

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: Spinal Health Vinyasa Yoga Wrist Friendly

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

Tap Here to Learn More

Feel Good Yoga Flow in 20 Minutes

Feel Good Yoga Flow in 20 Minutes

Need a mood boost?

Because you’re seriously in need for more compassion & acceptance?

This Feel Good Yoga Flow is just what you need to transform your day. 

In this yoga practice, I guide you through a series of backbends and forward folds designed to open your heart and chest, creating compassion and acceptance. 

Moving your body can significantly shift your energy, making you feel lighter and more balanced

Whether you’re dealing with menopausal symptoms like irritability and fatigue or just need some self-care, this at-home yoga practice is perfect for soothing your nervous system and providing much-needed relief.

This Feel Good Yoga Flow is ideal if you’re looking for a practice that offers physical, energetic, mental, and emotional benefits. 

Even if you’re not menopausal, this flow will help you find balance if you’re feeling self-critical, unsupported, or simply off. 

Dive into this feel good flow to encourage compassion for yourself and others, and feel the difference it makes in your day.


🌟 Good for Experienced Levels
🧱 Blocks are helpful but optional

See you on the mat 💖

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: Yoga for Menopause

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

Tap Here to Learn More

20 min Vinyasa Yoga; Feel Good Flow

20 min Vinyasa Yoga; Feel Good Flow

Feeling disconnected & distant?

Yearning to ditch those feelings for a more ‘feel good’ vibe?

Look, we can’t always feel 100% all the time…

When this happens, often we’re trapped in our thoughts and not moving our bodies, making us feel disconnected.

Mindful movement practices, like this 20 min Vinyasa Flow, encourages self-reconnection, grounding you and enhancing your well-being.

This feel good flow explores hip openers, twists for a healthy back, balances for strength and stretches for your full body.

Will it bring you to 100% happiness?
Maybe — and that’s the hope.
But more realistically;
It will help you feel more like yourself and this almost always helps us to feel good.

Join me on the mat to get your dose of yoga goodness.


🌟 Good for Experienced Levels
🧱 Blocks are helpful but optional

See you on the mat 💖

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: Feel Better Flow 

Inversion Free Friends!!
Learn more about the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal.
Your one stop location for how to be confidently inversion free.

Tap Here to Learn More

Gentle Yoga Flow for Recovery

Gentle Yoga Flow for Recovery

Healing from an illness or sore muscles?

And craving some yogic self-care?

So you can feel balanced & more like yourself?

Designed to provide comfort and restoration,
this 20 min practice will aid in the replenishment of balance and energy within you.

Life’s challenges sometimes leave us feeling drained, whether it’s recovering from an illness or soothing sore muscles.

Often what comes with illness or soreness is the tendency of staying still which can lead to an achy lower body and back. So, if you’ve been sedentary for extended periods, this practice gently rekindles life and energy in those areas. Say goodbye to stiffness as you welcome a renewed sense of movement and flexibility as you recover.

We begin with a calming meditation, gently opening the door to inner healing. Through intentional connection with your breath, you’ll create a nurturing space for self-care and introspection.

Whether you’re recovering from an illness or seeking relief for sore muscles, each motion is a purposeful step towards renewal while promoting an environment of calm rejuvenation, supporting you on your path to wellness.

Let’s flow towards recovery and wellness together.


🌟 Good for All. (Beginners welcome)
🪷 Inversion Free

See you on the mat 💖

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time? Try this next: Detox Body & Mind

Inversion Free Friends!!
I’ve created the Head Over Heart Yoga FB group providing you with valuable trainings on the exact steps on how to transform to be confidently Inversion Free.  See you there!

Tap Here to Access the Group

20 Minute Energy Boost Vinyasa Yoga

20 Minute Energy Boost Vinyasa Yoga

Lethargy got you down?
Need a 20 minute energy boost vinyasa flow that’s inversion free?
You deserve a much needed energy boost. ⚡️

Maybe it’s the time of year; cold and dark that’s got your energy down.

Take some time for yourself to get that warm energy boost with this 20 minute Energy Boost Vinyasa Flow that happens to be inversion free.

This flow takes you through the spinal movements to encourage energy movement throughout your body. Back bends, twists, and core work all boost energy. The more you coordinate your breath the more effectively you take in and use the prana aka life energy.

Give yourself the gift of breathing fully to boost that energy!
🌟 Good for Experienced Levels

See you on the mat…

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Inversion Free Friends!!
I’ve created the Head Over Heart Yoga FB group providing you with valuable trainings on the exact steps on how to transform to be confidently Inversion Free.  See you there!
https://hollyrjahnyoga.ac-page.com/JointheHeadOverHeartFBGrp 😊