Post-Travel Recovery – 20 min

Post-Travel Recovery – 20 min

Post-Travel Recovery



Ah, the aftermath of travel—
the soreness, the stiffness, the undeniable longing for a bit of TLC.

But fear not, for “Post-Travel Recovery” is here to soothe your aching limbs and rejuvenate your spirit.

Step onto your mat and feel the echoes of your journey gradually melt away as you sink into a world of movement and deep relaxation.

I understand the toll that travel can take on our bodies, particularly our lower bodies and backs.

Hours spent confined to cramped seats can leave us feeling like we’ve been through a physical wringer.
This practice is tailored to release tension and help you recover.

Through a carefully curated blend of stretching, strengthening, and mindful movement, you’re guided towards sweet relief, helping you recover from your travel day and find solace in the serenity of the present moment.

So, whether you’ve just returned from a cross-country flight or a road trip adventure, enjoy the journey towards restful ease.



Props Needed:

Blocks are helpful,
Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Nourishing Stretch in 31 min

Chair Yoga – Heart Opening Practice – 28 min

Chair Yoga – Heart Opening Practice – 28 min

Chair Yoga – Heart Opening Practice



Welcome to “Chair Yoga – Heart Opening Practice,” where we’ll open our hearts and minds to new possibilities.

As you settle onto your mat, or your chair, you’ll find yourself guided through a series of poses designed to develop receptivity, flexibility, and healing within your heart.

Whether you choose to incorporate the chair or not, this moderately paced vinyasa flow offers a sequence that is expertly crafted to encourage heart and chest opening. You’ll find yourself embracing a sense of liberation and expansion.

Through mindful movement and breath, we aim to create space within ourselves, allowing for deeper connections and a greater sense of well-being.

So, join me on the mat as we stretch, breathe, and travel inward together in this uplifting and empowering practice.


Props Needed:

Chair is Optional,
Blocks are helpful,
Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Shoulder Bliss 12 Minute Flow

Yin-Yasa Detox – 29 min

Yin-Yasa Detox – 29 min

Yin-Yasa Detox



Step into a world of rejuvenation with this Yin-Yasa Detox practice –
a unique fusion of Yin Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga designed to gently detoxify both your body and mind.

Imagine a serene space where the calming essence of Yin meets the invigorating flow of Vinyasa, creating a harmonious balance for ultimate well-being.

In the tranquil energy of Yin Yoga, find stillness and allow yourself to experience a subtle yet profound release.
As you linger in each posture, your body undergoes a gentle tugging, promoting openness and a sense of calm.
This calmness becomes a canvas for the detoxification of your thoughts and emotions, a therapeutic journey within.

Transition seamlessly into the dynamic “Yang” phase with Vinyasa, where movement takes center stage.
Feel the energy build as your body gracefully flows through poses, encouraging blood circulation and the release of internal toxins.

This invigorating sequence complements the stillness of Yin Yoga, offering a holistic detox experience that leaves you refreshed, renewed, and aligned.

Enjoy the Yin-Yasa Detox practice, where the power of balance unfolds on the mat, and wellness comes to the forefront.


Props Needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana;

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼
20-minute Vinyasa Yoga for Balance and Stability

20-minute Vinyasa Yoga for Balance and Stability

20-minute Vinyasa Yoga
for Balance and Stability

Welcome to this invigorating 20-minute Vinyasa Yoga for Balance and Stability practice, where tranquility meets strength in a seamless flow.

In this gentle yet empowering session, we immerse ourselves in the exploration of enhancing not just the physical aspects of balance and stability but harmonizing the mind and spirit as well.

Picture this: you, surrounded by a serene ambiance, dedicating just 20 minutes to cultivate a stronger, more centered version of yourself.

As we gracefully transition through carefully this Vinyasa sequence, you’ll find the perfect fusion of breath, movement, and mindfulness.

The magic unfolds as we work on refining your balance, not only on the mat but in all the layers that make you, you.

As your body finds stability, it acts as a catalyst for a harmonious dance between mind and spirit.

It’s more than just yoga; it’s a journey towards feeling more authentic, resilient, and ready to embrace the day with a newfound sense of ease.

Enjoy this revitalizing experience – because sometimes, all it takes is 20 minutes to rediscover the best version of yourself.


Props Needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Reclined Poses

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼
Intentional Vinyasa for Mindful Movement – 28 min

Intentional Vinyasa for Mindful Movement – 28 min

Intentional Vinyasa
for Mindful Movement


”Intentional Vinyasa for Mindful Movement,” takes you through a deliberate practice where each breath and every movement take center stage in a dance of purpose and presence. 

In this enriching vinyasa practice, you are invited to embrace the transformative power of mindfulness, infusing intention into every breath. 

Picture yourself moving with a profound awareness, seamlessly syncing breath with motion, creating a symphony of mind and body in perfect harmony.

Props are strongly suggested to enhance your experience—consider a chair or the wall, blocks, a bolster, and/or a towel or blanket. 

These supportive tools will help you deepen your connection with each pose, allowing for a more personalized and comfortable practice.

As you move through this intentional vinyasa, each stretch and pose carries a unique significance, inviting you to connect deeply with the present moment.

The culmination lies in the luxurious Legs Up the Wall Pose, (Inversion Free Style); a pose designed to offer ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation. 

Enjoy this dive into self awareness where the art of purposeful flow unfolds, leaving you refreshed, centered, and gracefully aligned with the essence of each breath.

Props Needed:

Chair or Wall access, Blocks, Towel, Props for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Grounded Tranquility Gentle Seated Vinyasa