Finding Balance in Shoulders & Upper Back – 28 min

Finding Balance in Shoulders & Upper Back – 28 min

Finding Balance in Shoulders & Upper Back

Discover a newfound sense of ease with this 28-minute practice crafted to alleviate the woes of stiff shoulders and upper back.

Bid farewell to headaches, neck pain, and the grumpies as you flow through a sequence designed to stretch, strengthen, and enhance the mobility of these crucial areas.

By the end of this practice, you’ll not only feel physically lighter but also experience a restored sense of balance, with renewed comfort and vitality.

Treat yourself to this journey of self-care, where every stretch and movement is a step towards finding freedom in your shoulders and upper back.


Props Needed:

3 Blocks or 2 Blocks & a pillow
Props for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Yoga for Your Back

Grounded Tranquility; Gentle Seated Vinyasa – 18 min

Grounded Tranquility; Gentle Seated Vinyasa – 18 min

Grounded Tranquility;
Gentle Seated Vinyasa

Settle into the serenity of this chill 18-minute gentle practice where easy-breezy movements help you melt away the day’s tension.

It’s essential time with yourself, your breath, and the ever-supportive ground beneath, creating a laid-back, tranquil vibe that’ll leave you feeling completely centered.


Props Needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows
Props for Savasana



Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Nourishing Stretch

Morning Flow: Centering Vinyasa

Morning Flow: Centering Vinyasa

Morning Flow: Centering Vinyasa

A moderate flow to center you in 27 min.

Reconnect with the essence of your being with this creatively structured and moderately paced practice designed to strengthen your core and foster alignment.

Feel centered and prepared for the day ahead, embodying a calm and collected presence as you move through this energizing vinyasa flow.


Props Needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.

Remember to breathe.

🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Morning Flow: Energize Your Morning

Morning Flow: Energize Your Morning

Morning Flow: Energize Your Morning

A challenging flow to eliminate stiffness in 33 min.

Add some zest to your morning your morning with this dynamic and challenging practice designed to enhance your strength, flexibility, and mental agility.
Push your boundaries with this invigorating flow, and you’ll undoubtedly get a pep in your step, setting the tone for a vibrant and energetic day ahead.

There are Lots of Modifications in this practice — want to know more options?
Join the Inversion Free Zone Membership Portal to get access to 30+ tutorials and learn how now.



Props Needed:

Chair, Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana.

Enjoy! Be well.

Remember to breathe.

🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Morning Flow: Clear the Cobwebs

Morning Flow: Clear the Cobwebs

Morning Flow: Clear the Cobwebs

A moderate flow to eliminate stiffness in 27 min.

Eliminate the morning fuzziness with a rejuvenating practice that promotes clarity of thought, allowing your confidence to radiate.

This moderate flow incorporates a selection of hip openers, twists, and folds, dissolving stiffness from both body and mind, ensuring you step into the day with a renewed sense of readiness and zeal.


Props Needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana.

Enjoy! Be well.

Remember to breathe.

🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼