Graceful Gams; Yoga for Limber Legs – 18 min

Graceful Gams; Yoga for Limber Legs – 18 min

Graceful Gams;
Yoga for Limber Legs



Working on your leg flexibility?

In this moderately paced vinyasa flow, the artistry of yoga is blended with a sprinkle of strength to sculpt and stretch your lower limbs.
Your muscles will be coaxed into graceful extensions, releasing tension with each breath.

From hips to hamstrings, every movement is crafted to enhance flexibility while building subtle power in your legs.
So, whether you’re seeking to lengthen your hamstrings and inner thighs or simply unwind after a hectic day,
enjoy “Graceful Gams” and discover the bliss of limber legs and a tranquil mind.


Props Needed:

Blocks are helpful,
Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Stretches for Better Splits

Intentional Vinyasa for Mindful Movement – 28 min

Intentional Vinyasa for Mindful Movement – 28 min

Intentional Vinyasa
for Mindful Movement


”Intentional Vinyasa for Mindful Movement,” takes you through a deliberate practice where each breath and every movement take center stage in a dance of purpose and presence. 

In this enriching vinyasa practice, you are invited to embrace the transformative power of mindfulness, infusing intention into every breath. 

Picture yourself moving with a profound awareness, seamlessly syncing breath with motion, creating a symphony of mind and body in perfect harmony.

Props are strongly suggested to enhance your experience—consider a chair or the wall, blocks, a bolster, and/or a towel or blanket. 

These supportive tools will help you deepen your connection with each pose, allowing for a more personalized and comfortable practice.

As you move through this intentional vinyasa, each stretch and pose carries a unique significance, inviting you to connect deeply with the present moment.

The culmination lies in the luxurious Legs Up the Wall Pose, (Inversion Free Style); a pose designed to offer ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation. 

Enjoy this dive into self awareness where the art of purposeful flow unfolds, leaving you refreshed, centered, and gracefully aligned with the essence of each breath.

Props Needed:

Chair or Wall access, Blocks, Towel, Props for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Grounded Tranquility Gentle Seated Vinyasa

Fluid Fusion; Balance, Strength, Flexibility – 25 min

Fluid Fusion; Balance, Strength, Flexibility – 25 min

Fluid Fusion;
Balance, Strength, Flexibility


Get ready for a dynamic journey with “Fluid Fusion: Balance, Strength, Flexibility”. 

Imagine stepping onto the mat, where the rhythm of a seamless vinyasa flow transforms into your personal dance of balance, strength, and flexibility. 

In this flow you’ll get grounding balance poses like the Tree Pose and the expansive Half Moon Pose, setting the stage for a practice that challenges and uplifts you in equally.

As you flow through the sequence, feel the intensity rise with strength-building poses that engage your entire body, leaving you with a sense of newfound power and confidence.

And just when you think you’ve conquered it all, gracefully transition into satisfying stretches, nurturing your flexibility and showing your muscles some well-deserved love. 

Enjoy this “Fluid Fusion,” where the flow, strength challenge, and flexibility easily converge into a symphony curated just for you. 

This class will leave you invigorated, centered, and ready to conquer the day.

Props Needed:

Blocks are optional but recommended
Props for Reclined Poses & Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Quick & Strong Vinyasa Flow

Finding Balance in Shoulders & Upper Back – 28 min

Finding Balance in Shoulders & Upper Back – 28 min

Finding Balance in Shoulders & Upper Back

Discover a newfound sense of ease with this 28-minute practice crafted to alleviate the woes of stiff shoulders and upper back.

Bid farewell to headaches, neck pain, and the grumpies as you flow through a sequence designed to stretch, strengthen, and enhance the mobility of these crucial areas.

By the end of this practice, you’ll not only feel physically lighter but also experience a restored sense of balance, with renewed comfort and vitality.

Treat yourself to this journey of self-care, where every stretch and movement is a step towards finding freedom in your shoulders and upper back.


Props Needed:

3 Blocks or 2 Blocks & a pillow
Props for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Yoga for Your Back

Nourishing Stretch in 31 min

Nourishing Stretch in 31 min

Nourishing Stretch

Welcome to this nourishing stretchy yoga practice that’s all about taking it slow and letting the good vibes flow.

Get ready to sink into those poses, enjoying longer holds that give you the perfect chance to dial it down, tune in to your body, and soak in some much-needed energy replenishment.

Picture this as more than just your typical yoga class;
think of it as a chill retreat where you can hit pause, stretch it out, and connect with yourself.

This Nourishing Stretch isn’t just about striking poses – it’s an opportunity to create a cozy little haven of peace and self-care.

In this laid-back practice, we’ve got a surprise guest appearance from none other than Zeus, the German Shepard.
Keep your eyes peeled 👀 – can you spot the big goofball?  🐾🐶

So, put on comfy clothes, grab your mat, and let’s weave through some zen moments together. It’s time to unwind, revitalize, and carry that newfound tranquility into your day.

See you on the mat!

Props Needed:

Blocks can be helpful;
Props for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Stretches for Better Splits