Graceful Momentum; Building Energy, Finding Ease

Graceful Momentum; Building Energy, Finding Ease

Graceful Momentum;
Building Energy, Finding Ease

This full-body flow begins with gentle, mindful movements, inviting you to tune into your breath and center yourself.

As we progress, the pace picks up, seamlessly blending dynamic sequences that invigorate your body and elevate your energy.

You’ll find yourself gracefully transitioning from one pose to the next, building strength and flexibility with each movement.

By the time we reach the peak of our practice, you’ll feel a powerful surge of energy, balanced by a deep sense of ease.
We’ll then slow it down, moving through soothing poses that cool your body and calm your mind.

This thoughtful flow ensures you leave the mat feeling not only accomplished and energized but also serene and ready to take on the day with grace and ease.

Enjoy this perfect blend of momentum and tranquility.

Props Needed:

Blocks, Bolster for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼
Post-Travel Recovery – 20 min

Post-Travel Recovery – 20 min

Post-Travel Recovery



Ah, the aftermath of travel—
the soreness, the stiffness, the undeniable longing for a bit of TLC.

But fear not, for “Post-Travel Recovery” is here to soothe your aching limbs and rejuvenate your spirit.

Step onto your mat and feel the echoes of your journey gradually melt away as you sink into a world of movement and deep relaxation.

I understand the toll that travel can take on our bodies, particularly our lower bodies and backs.

Hours spent confined to cramped seats can leave us feeling like we’ve been through a physical wringer.
This practice is tailored to release tension and help you recover.

Through a carefully curated blend of stretching, strengthening, and mindful movement, you’re guided towards sweet relief, helping you recover from your travel day and find solace in the serenity of the present moment.

So, whether you’ve just returned from a cross-country flight or a road trip adventure, enjoy the journey towards restful ease.



Props Needed:

Blocks are helpful,
Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Nourishing Stretch in 31 min

Chair Yoga – Heart Opening Practice – 28 min

Chair Yoga – Heart Opening Practice – 28 min

Chair Yoga – Heart Opening Practice



Welcome to “Chair Yoga – Heart Opening Practice,” where we’ll open our hearts and minds to new possibilities.

As you settle onto your mat, or your chair, you’ll find yourself guided through a series of poses designed to develop receptivity, flexibility, and healing within your heart.

Whether you choose to incorporate the chair or not, this moderately paced vinyasa flow offers a sequence that is expertly crafted to encourage heart and chest opening. You’ll find yourself embracing a sense of liberation and expansion.

Through mindful movement and breath, we aim to create space within ourselves, allowing for deeper connections and a greater sense of well-being.

So, join me on the mat as we stretch, breathe, and travel inward together in this uplifting and empowering practice.


Props Needed:

Chair is Optional,
Blocks are helpful,
Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Shoulder Bliss 12 Minute Flow

Energizing Vinyasa Flow – 22 min

Energizing Vinyasa Flow – 22 min

Energizing Vinyasa Flow

Ready to revitalize your spirit?

If you’re feeling sluggish and in need of an energy boost,
this dynamic session is designed to have you twisting, folding, and balancing your way to renewed vitality, pronto.

Prepare for a practice that seamlessly blends movement and breath, creating a harmonious dance that not only challenges your body but also uplifts your energy levels.

This vinyasa flow is more than just a sequence of poses; it’s a transformative experience aimed at revitalizing both your physical and mental well-being.

Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to a renewed sense of pep.
Get ready to flow, move, and recharge with this Energizing Vinyasa Flow.

Your revitalized self awaits on the mat!

See you there!

Props Needed:

Blocks can be helpful;
Props for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Getting Rid of Stagnant Energy

Getting Rid of Stagnant Energy – 38 min

Getting Rid of Stagnant Energy – 38 min

Getting Rid of Stagnant Energy

Ever feel like your energy needs a little kickstart?

This Vinyasa flow will shake off the cobwebs and make you feel alive!

In this class, it’s all about activation – we’ll mix balances, strengthening poses, and mobility exercises into a seamless flow.It’s like a dance for your body and a reset button for your energy.

Picture this: stepping onto the mat, feeling your energy change as you move through poses designed to release stagnant energy.

So, roll out your mat, get ready to move, and let’s bid farewell to stagnant energy together.
Step off the mat feeling freer, lighter, and more vibrant in your own skin.

Props Needed:

Blocks can be helpful;
Props for Savasana

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
🙏🏼Namaste my friends🙏🏼

Got more time?
Try this next: Find Your Inner Strength Warrior Flow