Mood Boosting Stretching Practice

Mood Boosting Stretching Practice

Ever experienced a day clouded by the crankies,

unsure of how to escape the clutches of a crummy mood?

A Mood Boosting Stretching Practice, tailor-made for practitioners of all levels;
good for beginners through experienced.

One morning I was feeling particularly sour and knew that a few minutes moving on my mat would help neutralize some of the crankies I was experiencing.

Will this rid you of all the grumpiness?
Maybe. Maybe not.

It will definitely shift your energy to feel lighter than when you started.
I know because it helped my sour mood become less acidic; if ya know what I mean. ????

Heart-opening poses are seamlessly woven into the flow this yoga stretching practice,
setting the stage for your mood shifting transformative experience.

Picture yourself moving from a state of crankiness to one of uplifted spirits,
as the feel-good vibe takes center stage.

This yoga experience excludes standing poses, keeping you grounded, aiding in the connection with your body, and helping you break free from overthinking.

Enjoy the simplicity of this stretch, making you more flexible and leaving the grumpiness behind.

???? I perform this without going upside down, but you do you.


???? Good for All Levels (Beginner’s Welcome)
✨ Inversion Free
???? Blocks are helpful but optional.

See you on the mat ????

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Got more time? Try this next: No Standing Stretch Flow

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