Inversion Free Creative Vinyasa Flow

Inversion Free Creative Vinyasa Flow

Missing that creative spark in your Vinyasa Flow?
It stinks to find yourself stagnant and uninspired in your yoga practice; especially if you’re Inversion Free.

Sometimes there is comfort in returning to the same flow.
BUT…sometimes you need to change things up.

This Inversion Free Creative Vinyasa Flow does just that. The flow moves at a faster pace all over the mat, facing different directions, and has a circular feel to it.

It’s fun, challenging, and sparks creativity.

Good for experienced or seasoned practitioners.
⚠️Minimal cueing.

Only props you’ll need are for savasana. i.e. Blocks, pillows, bolsters, blankets, etc.

Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????