Toning & Weight Loss Support Playlist
These practices help to strengthen & tone your body and support a weight loss regimen.

Many of you asked for Toning and Weight Loss videos, especially with quarantines and lockdowns in play.
And here we are! I will be adding more videos to this playlist, so check back often.
Some of these practices are Inversion Free but not all. If you are an Inversion Free practitioner make sure you see the words “Inversion Free” either on the image or in the description.
Be Well. Remember to Breathe. ????????Namaste my friends????????
A NOTE ON “YOGA for WEIGHT LOSS”: Practicing yoga alone is not a weight loss remedy. When used in combination with healthy habits off the mat it can be a great help. Especially to lower stress levels and find a deeper connection with yourself; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You can indeed get your heart rate up with some practices, you can sweat, strengthen, tone, detox, and burn calories.
To be quite honest, I don’t love using this term, but it’s a VERY high ranking SEO term; meaning people search it A LOT. I’m using it to direct more people to become aware of their mind body connection while working into a healthier lifestyle. ????