Yoga for Your Back – 25 min

Yoga for Your Back – 25 min

Wake Up Your Back with this 23 min flow…

Props needed: Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Stiff back? Achy back?

Side bending, back bends, planks, hip strength & stretch are all movements that help support a healthy back.

This Vinyasa Flow moves through poses to help get your back ready for the day.

Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Warm Up Your Body with Yoga – 5 min

Warm Up Your Body with Yoga – 5 min

Warm Up Your Body with Yoga

5 min is all you need to get the body warm!


Why use yoga to warm up your body?

To wake up your muscles & fascia for better function and to connect with your breathing.
????Use this as a stand alone practice OR use it before another type of workout!

Constant movement, like in this practice, creates warmth by moving the energy around the body. This wakes up parts that were stagnant and relieves tension from areas that were over stimulated—in other words, it creates energy balance.

As you move through the warm up, your heart rate will slightly increase and the breath will get faster which may feel challenging as it quickens.
It’s okay — when you are warmed up, the breath, although at a faster pace, feels less labored.

NOTE: Feeling ‘out of breath’ means you may be pushing too hard.

Intense stretches are avoided in this warm up as those types of stretches tend to come after warming up; so when we do stretch, move mindfully and stay shallow in the stretch.

Afterward you can easily move directly onto a cardio workout, another yoga practice, weight lifting, or any other physical activity that requires warming up!

Props needed:

Opt. Blocks

Asana Modification Video Suggestions:

 Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Balancing Act Vinyasa Flow – 62 min

Balancing Act Vinyasa Flow – 62 min

Balancing Act

Regain balance in 62 minutes…

Balance can feel elusive…one second you have it aaand then you don’t.

Back and forth we go.

The good news?
We can create the feeling of equilibrium practicing lots of balances, sharpening our mental focus since distractions will knock us down.

One thing we can do to help minimize the elusiveness is to work on our concentration and
our core strength in the physical balances.
This full practice is chock full of core work to prep for Standing Split, Warrior 3, and Half Moon Balance.

PLUS—this practice also strikes a balance between strength and flexibility;
both physically and mentally,
providing equal attention to all parts of the body.

Props needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana


Asana Modification Video Suggestions:

 Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Core Focus – 24 min

Core Focus – 24 min

This is a core focused practice in 23 minutes…

Throughout the practice the head will stay above the heart with the target being core work including everyone’s favorite: Plank & Side Plank.

Most of the practice will be in standing poses with attention to stability of the hips and spine.

Props needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Asana Modification Video Suggestions:

 Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????