Testing Your Boundaries – 65 min

Testing Your Boundaries – 65 min

Testing Your Boundaries

Testing Your Boundaries tests your balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, AND your mind body connection.

This explores playing between easy & hard and finding your greatest potential. Notice what your mind thinks compared to what your body can do. The saying “Mind Over Matter” applies here.

Do your best not push beyond what you can handle, instead, bring yourself right up to it and take notice of what comes up emotionally and mentally.

Come back to this practice often to see how your boundaries change over time.

Props Needed:

Opt. Yoga Strap, Blocks, Pillows

Asana Modification Tutorial Reference

COMMON ELEMENTS: Half & Full Sun Salutation A, Childs Pose, Savasana, Plank

KNEELING: Cow/Cat, Gate Pose,

STANDING: Parsvottanasana, Triangle Pose, Extended Side Angle,

BALANCES: Half Moon Balance,

SEATED: Paschimottanasana, Janusirsasana,

RECLINED: Reclined Bound Angle Pose, Reclined Spinal Twist,

Enjoy! Be well.

Remember to breathe.

????????Namaste my friends????????

Balancing Act Vinyasa Flow – 62 min

Balancing Act Vinyasa Flow – 62 min

Balancing Act

Regain balance in 62 minutes…

Balance can feel elusive…one second you have it aaand then you don’t.

Back and forth we go.

The good news?
We can create the feeling of equilibrium practicing lots of balances, sharpening our mental focus since distractions will knock us down.

One thing we can do to help minimize the elusiveness is to work on our concentration and
our core strength in the physical balances.
This full practice is chock full of core work to prep for Standing Split, Warrior 3, and Half Moon Balance.

PLUS—this practice also strikes a balance between strength and flexibility;
both physically and mentally,
providing equal attention to all parts of the body.

Props needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana


Asana Modification Video Suggestions:

 Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????

Repetition for Depth – 37 min

Repetition for Depth – 37 min

Repetition for Depth

Explore the depth of repetition in 37 min…

Repetition allows us to discover more depth in our practice.
The depth is not just physical;
it’s also about deepening the understanding of the breath/body connection;once you know what comes next physically, the mind can settle into the rhythm of breath to create a “zen”, calm sensation.

A good soundtrack doesn’t hurt either.
Music by DJ Taz Rashid, Momentology, & Songs of Eden


Props needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Asana Modification Video Suggestions:

 Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????