Repetition for Depth – 37 min
Repetition for Depth
Explore the depth of repetition in 37 min…
Repetition allows us to discover more depth in our practice.
The depth is not just physical;
it’s also about deepening the understanding of the breath/body connection;once you know what comes next physically, the mind can settle into the rhythm of breath to create a “zen”, calm sensation.
A good soundtrack doesn’t hurt either.
Music by DJ Taz Rashid, Momentology, & Songs of Eden
Props needed:
Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana
Asana Modification Video Suggestions:
- COMMON ELEMENTS: Savasana, Childs Pose, Plank, Sun Salutations
- STANDING POSES: Parsvottanasana
- BALANCES: Standing Split, Twisted Half Moon, Half Moon Balance