Work Break Chair Yoga – 12 min

Work Break Chair Yoga – 12 min

Work Break Chair Yoga

Need a Work Break?

Can’t leave your desk?

Then do Yoga in Your Chair. (I won’t tell your boss ????)
This 11 min flow only requires you, me, and your stationary chair for back, neck, and hip pain relief.

When working at your desk, there’s a tendency to fold forward causing tension and pain in the back, neck, and hips—Especially if the ergonomics are off.

This Hatha style yoga class moves through poses to ease those aches & pains to refresh your mind & body.

Pop in your earbuds, kick off your shoes, and let’s get refreshed!

Props Needed:

Chair Without Wheels
(If you only have a rolly chair, do your best not to roll away!)

Asana Modification Tutorial Reference


Enjoy! Be well.

Remember to breathe.

????????Namaste my friends????????

Repetition for Depth – 37 min

Repetition for Depth – 37 min

Repetition for Depth

Explore the depth of repetition in 37 min…

Repetition allows us to discover more depth in our practice.
The depth is not just physical;
it’s also about deepening the understanding of the breath/body connection;once you know what comes next physically, the mind can settle into the rhythm of breath to create a “zen”, calm sensation.

A good soundtrack doesn’t hurt either.
Music by DJ Taz Rashid, Momentology, & Songs of Eden


Props needed:

Blocks, Bolster or Pillows for Savasana

Asana Modification Video Suggestions:

 Enjoy! Be well.
Remember to breathe.
????????Namaste my friends????????